Stupid Question maybe?

Thomas Bellman bellman at
Wed Dec 19 20:44:33 UTC 2018

On 2018-12-19 21:28 MET, William Herrin wrote:

> Easy: .97 matches neither one because 64 & 97 !=0 and 32 & 97 != 0.
> That's a 0 that has to match at the end of the 10.20.30.

D'oh!  Sorry, I got that wrong.  (Trying to battle 10+% packet loss at
home and a just upgraded Thunderbird at the same time is bad for my
ability to construct consistent email messages, it seems...)
is much better example.

> The problem is matches both, so which one takes precedence?
> Can't have a most-specific match when two matching routes have the
> same specificity.
> I'm guessing the answer was: the routing protocols didn't accept
> netmasks in the first place and you were a fool to intentionally
> create overlapping static routes.

Agree that it would be foolish, but I was curious what implementations
did when encountering such a fool. :-)


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