Financial services BGP hijack last week?

Randy Bush randy at
Wed May 3 00:47:06 UTC 2017

> the use of rsync in RPKI is preventing a lot of large ISPs from
> implementing it (too difficult to provide redundancy with
> rsync).

uh, at least the DRL implementation supports caches feeding off of
caches in (if you are silly enough) an arbitrarily complex graph.

some years back, our research group actually used large clusters to
emulate large deployments with multi-level caching and found it quite
efficient.  see

   Olaf Maennel, Iain Phillips, Debbie Perouli, Randy Bush, Rob Austein,
   and Askar Jaboldinov, "Towards a Framework for Evaluating BGP
   Security," CSET'12, 5th Workshop on Cyber Security Experimentation
   and Test.


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