Fixing Google geolocation screwups

John R. Levine johnl at
Wed Apr 8 01:24:26 UTC 2015


He says he sent in the IP update three weeks ago, nothing happened.  Any 
other suggestions?

> On 7 April 2015 at 23:26, John Levine <johnl at> wrote:
>> A friend of mine lives in Alabama and has business service from at&t.
>> But Google thinks he's in France.  We've checked for various
>> possibilities of VPNs and proxies and such, and it's pretty clear that
>> the Goog's geolocation for addresses around is screwed
>> up.  Bing and other services correctly find him in Alabama.
>> Poking around I see lots of advice about how to use Google's
>> geolocation data, but nothing on how to update it.  Anyone
>> know the secret?  TIA
>> Regards,
>> John Levine, johnl at, Primary Perpetrator of "The Internet for
>> Dummies",
>> Please consider the environment before reading this e-mail.

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