Fwd: [ PRIVACY Forum ] An Iranian Grand Ayatollah Issues Fatwa Stating High Speed Internet is against Sharia

Alain Hebert ahebert at pubnix.net
Tue Sep 2 11:25:25 UTC 2014

Eric Brunner-Williams wrote:
> see also:
> http://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/originals/2014/09/iran-3g-phones-filter-unsanitary-water.html#
> restated slightly, video, the primary vehicle for porn, needs minders,
> text, the primary vehicle for ideas, does not.

    What about ASCII porn?

    It was the first thing I printed on a HP mini in the mid-80's. =D

> -e
> On 8/31/14 11:08 PM, Eric Brunner-Williams wrote:
>> well, looking at the ayatollah's website and invoking google
>> translate there's this language:
>> "... different mechanisms to secure and protect their users against
>> the moral and psychological damage this type of service, including
>> access to information, videos and photos from immoral and inhuman,
>> rumors and seduction, spying and undermining the foundations of the
>> family ..."
>> so, not a lot goofier than the objection to .xxx made by the usg, or
>> available at most media outlets that sell the meme that the internet
>> causes shit to happen.
>> -e
>>  On 8/31/14 10:35 PM, Jay Ashworth wrote:
>>> Cause it's a long weekend, and why shouldn't it be whackier than
>>> normal.
>>> ----- Forwarded Message -----
>>>> From: "PRIVACY Forum mailing list" <privacy at vortex.com>
>>>> To: privacy-list at vortex.com
>>>> Sent: Sunday, August 31, 2014 11:34:16 PM
>>>> Subject: [ PRIVACY Forum ] An Iranian Grand Ayatollah Issues Fatwa
>>>> Stating High Speed Internet is against Sharia
>>>> An Iranian Grand Ayatollah Issues Fatwa Stating High Speed Internet is
>>>> against Sharia
>>>> (Iran Human Rights):
>>>> http://www.iranhumanrights.org/2014/08/makarem-internet/
>>>> A Grand Ayatollah in Iran has determined that access to high-speed and
>>>> 3G Internet is "against Sharia" and "against moral standards." In
>>>> answer to a question published on his website, Grand Ayatollah Nasser
>>>> Makarem Shirazi, one of the country's highest clerical authorities,
>>>> issued a fatwa, stating "All third generation [3G] and high-speed
>>>> internet services, prior to realization of the required conditions for
>>>> the National Information Network [Iran's government-controlled and
>>>> censored Internet which is under development], is against Sharia [and]
>>>> against moral and human standards."
>>>> - - -
>>>> Comcast, Verizon, AT&T, Time Warner Cable, and other dominant ISPs are
>>>> now in a bidding war to hire him as a consultant and board member.
>>> RUN AWAY!!!
>>> Cheers,
>>> -- jra

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