Observations of an Internet Middleman (Level3) (was: RIP Network Neutrality

Daniel Staal DStaal at usa.net
Wed May 14 02:50:21 UTC 2014

--As of May 12, 2014 3:02:28 PM +0200, Nick Hilliard is alleged to have 

> On 10/05/2014 22:34, Randy Bush wrote:
>> imiho think vi hart has it down simply and understandable by a lay
>> person.  <http://vihart.com/net-neutrality-in-the-us-now-what/>.  my
>> friends in last mile providers disagree.  i take that as a good sign.
> Vi's analogy is wrong on a subtle but important point.  In the analogy,
> the delivery company needs to get a bunch of new trucks to handle the
> delivery but as the customer is paying for each delivery instances, the
> delivery company's costs are covered by increased end-user charges.
> In the net neutrality debate, the last mile service providers are in a
> position where they need to upgrade their access networks, but the
> end-user pricing is not necessarily keeping pace.

--As for the rest, it is mine.

So the fact that the USA has higher prices than many other countries, for 
slower service, and those prices are rising (mine went up three times in 
the past year, including them starting to charge rent for a cable modem I 
bought when I signed up, for the same service) doesn't mean anything?

Or the fact that they are one of the most profitable market segments in the 

They have the money.  They have the ability to get more money.  *They see 
no reason to spend money making customers happy.*  They can make more 
profit without it.

Daniel T. Staal

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