DNS resolver reaction to non-reachable authoritative DNS server

Doug Barton dougb at dougbarton.us
Fri Mar 14 01:29:28 UTC 2014

On 3/13/2014 5:23 PM, Mark Andrews wrote:
>> If your customers are using BIND there is a flag you can supply to named
>> >to cause it to operate only in IPv4. That would avoid this problem
>> >altogether.
> And is basically not needed as the IP stack (with the exception of
> Solaris) informs named when there isn't a route to the destination
> and named moves onto the next address to try.

Sure, but by using the flag you skip that step, and the accompanying 
error message in the logs.

The fact that this issue has risen to the level of "annoyance" rather 
than just "oddity" as it used to be is actually a good thing. It's a 
sign that more and more sites are deploying IPv6 for critical 


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