nanong list spam filtering

Michael DeMan nanog at
Thu Apr 24 08:29:50 UTC 2014

Hi All,

Sorry being a bit off-topic and having a boring subject, but we really should clean up whatever has been going on with so much spam hitting this mailing list.

NO - I am complaining about people who post things I disagree with or on topics I have little interest in, I am tired of the stuff like...
subject: Top rated...wireless security cameras--for both indoor & outdoor
subject: Save on: Hawaii, vacation packages
(classic) subject: Compare: the best, email marketing services
subject: Cards reward plans\rates compared(MC-Capital1-Venture-ChaseFreedom-Citicard-BankAmericard-Discover-Visa)
...and what not.

Has it always been the policy perhaps that this mailing list does no spam filtering whatsoever?  If so that would be understandable.

Meanwhile I think would be better for the community if at least some of the most egregious and obvious stuff did not have cpu and network cycles spent forwarding it onwards?
As always, I could imagine that although I think this is simple it could be a politically charged debate.

Cheers and please fix if possible,
- Michael DeMan

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