ddos attacks

Dobbins, Roland rdobbins at arbor.net
Fri Dec 20 09:33:07 UTC 2013

On Dec 20, 2013, at 3:27 PM, Saku Ytti <saku at ytti.fi> wrote:

> c) ACL/RPF in significant portion of access ports in whole world
>    - i'm guessing significant portion of access ports are on autopilot with
>      no one to change their configs, so probably not practical.

d)  The current state of affairs persists, with no meaningful change in the foreseeable future, except the problem growing worse.

My guess is that d) is the most likely outcome.

Roland Dobbins <rdobbins at arbor.net> // <http://www.arbornetworks.com>

	  Luck is the residue of opportunity and design.

		       -- John Milton

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