Europe-to-US congestion and packet loss on network, and their NOC@ won't even respond

Constantine A. Murenin mureninc at
Sun Dec 1 09:11:54 UTC 2013

On 2013-W48-6 23:19 -0800, Matthew Petach wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 29, 2013 at 11:30 PM, Constantine A. Murenin <mureninc at
> > wrote:
> > Dear NANOG@,
> >
> ...
> > From through
> >
> >
> > Cns# date ; mtr --report{,-wide,-cycles=600} --interval 0.1 --order "SRL
> > BGAWV" -4 ????c???????? ; date
> >
> Using a 1/10th of a second interval is rather anti-social.
> I know we rate-limit ICMP traffic down, and such a
> short interval would be detected as attack traffic,
> and treated as such.
> I would take any results you get from such probes
> with a grain of salt.  What results do you get with
> a more sane interval, one of at least 1 second or
> more?
> Matt

For what it is worth, I used to think the same, until I saw several 
providers themselves suggest that 1000 packets should be sent, with 
the 0.1 s interval.  So, this is considered normal and appropriate 

Anyhow, is this better?

I now saw a 2% traffic loss this night at a random test time, and 
the 151ms avg rtt on this 114ms rtt route.

Cns# date ; mtr --report{,-wide,-cycles=600} --interval 0.5 --order "SRL BGAWV" -4 ????c???????? ; date
Sat Nov 30 23:17:13 PST 2013
HOST: Cns???????                                   Snt   Rcv Loss%   Best Gmean   Avg  Wrst StDev
  1.|-- static.??.???    600   600  0.0%    0.5   1.0   1.3   4.6   1.1
  2.|--             600   600  0.0%    0.1   0.2   2.0  58.5   7.9
  3.|--                            600   600  0.0%    0.2   0.2   0.2  10.2   0.7
  4.|--                            600   600  0.0%    0.2   0.2   0.2  11.2   0.8
  5.|--                             600   600  0.0%    4.8   4.8   4.8  25.1   1.3
  6.|--                      600   600  0.0%    4.8   4.8   4.8  13.9   0.6
  7.|--       600   595  0.8%   11.2  14.3  15.2 121.4   7.4
  8.|--       600   600  0.0%   18.2  21.0  21.3  51.2   4.0
  9.|--      600   592  1.3%   86.9 125.9 126.4 160.7  10.6
 10.|--      600   591  1.5%  106.6 145.1 145.4 190.9  10.5
 11.|-- ???                                          600     0 100.0    0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0
 12.|--   600   589  1.8%  114.3 148.9 149.2 167.9   9.1
 13.|--         600   589  1.8%  113.4 149.2 149.5 173.4   9.3
 14.|--              600   590  1.7%  114.5 150.2 150.5 175.6   9.3
 15.|--             600   589  1.8%  114.3 150.5 150.8 181.0   9.1
 16.|-- ????c????????                    600   589  1.8%  114.8 150.7 151.0 170.7   9.0
Sat Nov 30 23:24:06 PST 2013

The ICMP timestamp request/reply test still indicates that only 
one path is affected:  the one from Europe to US over

Cns# date ; unbuffer hping --icmp-ts --count 30 ????c???????? | \
perl -ne 'if (/icmp_seq=(\d+) rtt=(\d+\.\d)/) {($s, $p) = ($1, $2);} \
if (/ate=(\d+) Receive=(\d+) Transmit=(\d+)/) {($o, $r, $t) = ($1, $2, $3);} \
if (/tsrtt=(\d+)/) { \
print $s, "\t", $p, "\t", $1, " = ", $r - $o, " + ", $o + $1 - $t, "\n"; }'
Sun Dec  1 00:55:46 PST 2013
0       151.3   151 = 91 + 60
1       154.2   154 = 93 + 61
2       127.8   127 = 67 + 60
3       123.6   123 = 63 + 60
4       136.9   137 = 76 + 61
5       149.6   149 = 89 + 60
6       147.4   147 = 87 + 60
7       133.5   133 = 73 + 60
8       152.2   152 = 92 + 60
9       137.3   137 = 77 + 60
10      143.7   144 = 84 + 60
11      124.5   124 = 64 + 60
12      141.4   141 = 81 + 60
13      118.0   118 = 58 + 60
14      153.6   154 = 94 + 60
15      137.7   138 = 78 + 60
16      119.9   120 = 60 + 60
17      130.6   131 = 71 + 60
18      144.6   145 = 85 + 60
19      138.8   139 = 79 + 60
20      155.7   156 = 96 + 60
21      128.8   129 = 69 + 60
22      153.0   153 = 93 + 60
23      146.5   147 = 87 + 60
24      137.2   138 = 77 + 61
25      153.3   154 = 94 + 60
26      146.3   147 = 87 + 60
27      150.1   151 = 91 + 60
28      150.5   150 = 90 + 60
29      143.5   143 = 83 + 60


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