What do people use public suffix for?

Matthias Leisi matthias at leisi.net
Mon Apr 15 13:55:43 UTC 2013

On Mon, Apr 15, 2013 at 3:10 PM, John Levine <johnl at iecc.com> wrote:

> You don't have to tell me that it's a gross crock, but it seems to
> be a useful one.  What do people use it for?  Here's what I know of:

At dnswl.org, we use a heuristic (and manual checks) to derive different
"levels" of management (ie, foo.example.org may or may not be under the
same operational responsibility as bar.example.org). Using
publicsuffix.orgdata would allow us to automate some of that work (I
just have not yet got
around to implement it).

--  Matthias

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