Big day for IPv6 - 1% native penetration

Randy Bush randy at
Tue Nov 27 10:26:12 UTC 2012

>> when the average consumer (real) broadband connection becomes v6
>> capable, about 40% of the traffic is instantly ipv6, thank you
>> netflix, facebook, netflix, google, netflix, and netflix. 
> 'When', or 'if'?  The creeping proliferation of CGNs and the like,
> along with your example of TVs and oblique point about the sparsity of
> IPv6-enabled content/services/applications, does not necessarily
> support the conclusion that wholesale migration within the near- or
> medium-terms is inevitable.

sorry if the facts did not support your conclusion.  they do support
mine.  big initial ipv6 traffic bump but long ipv4 tail.


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