ZOMG: IPv6 a plot to stymie FBI !!!11!ONE!

Scott Weeks surfer at mauigateway.com
Fri Jun 15 21:55:45 UTC 2012

>>> http://news.cnet.com/8301-1009_3-57453738-83/fbi-dea-warn-ipv6-could-shield-criminals-from-police/
> The article sure does have a lot of threatening and smack-down tones toward service providers (us):
> "We're looking at a problem that's about to occur,""It occurs as service providers start to roll out V6."
> Our fault, no one else's...
> ------------------------------------

:: Who else would you blame for failing to update whois?

At the risk of 10k flamethrowers turning my way...

It is no difference than in v4.  Those that do in v4 will do 
in v6 and those that don't in v4 won't in v6, so why make v6 
the culprit?  That isn't helpful.


:: Personally, I think that the article is counter-productive for the FBI in what they are trying to achieve.



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