Call for updates: Native IPv6 access providers

Jeroen Massar jeroen at
Tue Feb 28 13:20:05 UTC 2012

Hi Folks,

I would like to get more organizations on the Native IPv6 list:

Thus, if you have updates and also new entries, do not hesitate to
forward them to info at

Please provide the list of countries that you are offering the service,
the name of the organization/company, the website, the IPv6 prefixes
involved, the type of link/technology and any kind of notes that may
pertain to your offering.

Of course, if you are in the planning phase and know that around date
XYZ you are going to offer the service too this can be put in the Notes
column too...

Yes, this list does not include Datacenter offerings, as when you have a
simple Ethernet/routed network it you should have been able to offer
IPv6 ages ago...

Thanks for the input!


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