Level 3's IRR Database

Nick Hilliard nick at foobar.org
Sun Jan 30 17:15:02 UTC 2011

On 30/01/2011 09:08, Jeff Wheeler wrote:
> This brings me to my point, which is that IRR is very good for
> preventing accidents and automating some common tasks.  It should be
> "secure" to a point, but just because a route: object exists does not
> mean that mntner: really has authority over that address space.

Depends on which IRR you use.  The IRRDBs run by RIPE, APNIC and AfriNIC 
implement hierarchical object ownership, which means that if you're 
registering their address space, you can only do so if that address space 
legitimately belongs to you.  This isn't the case on third party IRRDBs 
like RADB, L3 and AltDB.


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