
Jack Bates jbates at brightok.net
Sat Feb 5 02:53:36 UTC 2011

On 2/4/2011 8:05 PM, Owen DeLong wrote:
> True... If you review the NANOG archives you'll find that at least in the case
> of the port 25 absurdity, I have noticed and have railed against it.

Yeah, I threw it in as an afterthought. ISP firewalls do exist and not 
just small isolated incidents. I wish more money had gone into making 
them much more adaptive, then you could enjoy your tcp/25 and possibly 
not have a problem unless your traffic patterns drew concerns and caused 
an adaptive filter to block it (eh? thousands of emails suddenly to a 
variety of servers? block). Interestingly, adaptive filters are often 
used for probing scans (and we didn't apply them to tcp/25, why?)


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