IPv4 sunset date set for 2019-12-31

Jack Bates jbates at brightok.net
Fri Oct 22 01:13:21 UTC 2010

On 10/21/2010 7:53 PM, Niels Bakker wrote:
> * bzs at world.std.com (Barry Shein) [Thu 21 Oct 2010, 22:59 CEST]:
>> And, of course, the RIRs could just cancel all the IPv4 route 
>> announcements, whatever they do if someone doesn't pay or whatever.
> I think you're mistaking the default-free zone for Usenet.  The DFZ 
> doesn't have 'cmsg cancel' messages.

The "whatever they do if someone doesn't pay" is a nightmare. I suspect 
such a recourse wouldn't work for stopping IPv4.


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