v6 bgp peer costs?

Seth Mattinen sethm at rollernet.us
Wed Jul 21 19:39:49 UTC 2010

On 7/21/2010 12:08, Zaid Ali wrote:
> I currently have a v4 BGP session with AS 701 and recently requested a v6
> BGP session to which I was told a tunnel session will be provided (Same
> circuit would be better but whatever!). Towards the final stage in
> discussions I was told that it will cost $1500. I find this quite ridiculous
> and it will certainly not motivate people to move to v6 if providers put a
> direct price tag on it. I am going through a bandwidth reseller though so I
> am not sure who is trying to jack me here. Has anyone here gone through a
> similar experience?

Ooh, Verizon? Good luck. Do you know what pop (VZ calles them "hubs")
your existing circuit is out of? Not all of 701 is IPv6 enabled. If you
are currently served from a v4 only location you're out of luck.

I ordered an Ethernet circuit from Verizon last year as dual-stack
IPv4/IPv6. There was no extra cost involved. However, they never did
actually deliver the layer 3 portion, so I just let them languish into
obscurity. My problem was that I'm closer to a v4 only pop (Sacramento),
but the closest 4/6 pop is further away in San Jose. For some reason
they could not figure out how to go there and kept defaulting to Sac.
Eventually they called me and said it's just not possible to deliver the
service. I ended up placing an order with Global Crossing and the
dual-stack process was completely painless.

I also have an IPv6 BGP tunnel to Sprint which is included with my v4
service for free. It works fine, but it's still a tunnel and has much
higher latency than the DS3 it's running over. Hopefully native in August.


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