TWT - Comcast congestion

Piotr Nowak pnowak at
Wed Dec 1 05:19:47 UTC 2010

On Nov 30, 2010, at 9:12 PM, Richard A Steenbergen wrote:
> I don't know about their connection to TWT, but Comcast has definitely 
> been running their transits congested. The most obvious one from recent 
> months is Tata, which appears to be massively congested for upwards of 
> 12 hours a day in some locations. Comcast has been forcing traffic from 
> large networks who refuse to peer with them (e.g. Abovenet, NTT, Telia, 
> XO, etc) to route via their congested Tata transit for a few months now, 
> their Level3 transit is actually one of the last uncongested providers 
> that they have.

Actually AboveNet seems to peer with Comcast:

 5.                                                            0.0%    53    5.8   6.4   5.7  31.9   3.7
 6.                                                 0.0%    53    6.4   6.4   6.1   6.7   0.1
 7.                        0.0%    53    6.3   6.4   6.2   6.6   0.1

But Cablevision in New York is in fact another example of this problem:

4.                                                     0.0%    78   17.8  41.2  15.0 242.9  33.5
 5.                                                                                         0.0%    78   44.6  42.9  23.9  82.5   9.0
 6. ???
 7. ???
 8.                       2.6%    78  267.2 500.6  44.6 703.6 182.9
 9.                                                                                        2.6%    78  273.9 500.0  46.5 701.9 183.9

Peter Nowak

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