/31's again (Re: IPv6 Newbie)

Lamar Owen lowen at pari.edu
Wed Apr 7 15:51:12 UTC 2010

On Tuesday 06 April 2010 08:10:14 pm Ricky Beam wrote:
> That's the equiv of a /31 in IPv4.  Do you use /31's for p-t-p links in
> your IPv4 network(s)?

Yes, like many others (there was a thread on this on NANOG towards the end of 
January, no? Yes; started 1/22/2010 by Seth Mattinen; I don't have a link to 
an archive entry, because I have it in my own archives here). 

It's amazing how many 'subnetting reference guides' I've found out there that 
go as far as stating that /31's aren't even legal.... they'd really fall over 
if they saw how I was using a /27's broadcast address as one end of a /31 in 
one particular instance.... :-)  RFC 3021, man, RFC 3021. 

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