William F. Maton Sotomayor wmaton at
Tue Sep 22 21:09:39 UTC 2009

On Tue, 22 Sep 2009, Shane Ronan wrote:

> How do I send out an email if the network is down?

I have had success using a GSM phone hooked up to the server via USB. 
(Bonus is that the server constantly 'charges' the phone).  An ugly set of 
scripts deals with taking emails and changing them into SMS messages which 
are then transmitted through that phone to another.

> On Sep 22, 2009, at 11:52 AM, Alex Balashov wrote:
>> Shane Ronan wrote:
>>> On that same note, can someone point me in the direction of an SMS gateway 
>>> service? I would like to be able to send SMS messages from my monitoring 
>>> systems, but I am unsure about how to go about it.
>>> Appreciate the assistance.
>> Why not use an e-mail to SMS gateway from whichever carrier?
>> -- 
>> Alex Balashov - Principal
>> Evariste Systems
>> Web     :
>> Tel     : (+1) (678) 954-0670
>> Direct  : (+1) (678) 954-0671


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