Network Ring

Truman Boyes truman at
Mon Sep 7 12:00:54 UTC 2009

Hi there,

Keep it really simple. MPLS/VPLS is the most scalable method to create  
Layer 2 and Layer 3 connectivity between sites. As previously  
mentioned, try to stick with one vendor, one code version for all the  
POPs, and use protocols that are designed to scale well. (ie. MP-BGP)

If your goal is to provide layer 2 around across all 15 POPs you don't  
actually need to build a ring. With MPLS/VPLS you can use any topology  
that provides you the necessary efficiency and reliability.

MPLS can be used on any of the transport technologies that are  
available to you (ie. SDH / dark fiber / dwdm / etc) ...

Kind regards,

On 7/09/2009, at 2:14 PM, ty chan wrote:

> Dear all,
> I am in process of planning ring network to cover 15 POPs in City.  
> Some technologies are chosen for consideration like SDH(Huawei),  
> PVRST+(Cisco), RSTP(Zyxel), EAPS (extreme network) and MPLS(VPLS).  
> The purpose is to provide L2 Ethernet connectivities from POPs to  
> central point (DC) and ring protection.
> I know you all are in those network for years. can you give me some  
> advises?
> Best regards,
> chanty

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