Security team successfully cracks SSL using 200 PS3's and MD5

Etaoin Shrdlu shrdlu at
Sat Jan 3 00:43:53 UTC 2009

Neil wrote:

>>Do people here really so quickly forget things?  There was a talk on
>>Carnivore given in 2000 at NANOG 20, IIRC, and I believe that one of the
>>instigating causes of that talk was problems that Earthlink had experienced
>>when the FBI had deployed Carnivore there.

> Naturally.  The NSA isn't filled with theorists who want to get the
> job done the "right" way.  They have a mission to fulfill, and they'll
> use whatever tool works to get it done.

Just a slight point of order, here. Carnivore (and its successor, 
DCS1000) were used by, and developed by, the FBI. The NSA use other 
stuff. Let's get back to reality, anyway.

Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place.
Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are,
by definition, not smart enough to debug it.
   Brian W. Kernighan

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