Level3 tries cell-phone style billing scam on customers

Robert E. Seastrom rs at seastrom.com
Thu Jul 31 18:41:22 UTC 2008

From: Patrick Giagnocavo [mailto:patrick at zill.net] 
> Anyone else seeing this same behavior from Level3?

Orthogonal to this discussion, Level(3)'s support, while never great
shakes compared to the exemplary service that I used to get from
Looking Glass Networks, has in recent months taken a sharp turn for
the worse.  52 hours for callback on hicap circuit outages,
technicians who can't read the ticket ("call only between 0600 and
2300 EDT; site contact needs to sleep too"), and just general apathy
and ennui more appropriate to an old-line incumbent (oh yeah, billing
screw-ups too) have brought my dissatisfaction to record levels.

Residential T-1 which I've had since 1996 - canceled yesterday.  I'll
suck it up on the MSS lossage and tunnel my stuff over a cablemodem.


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