YouTube IP Hijacking

Joel Jaeggli joelja at
Wed Feb 27 00:17:15 UTC 2008

John Payne wrote:
> On Feb 25, 2008, at 1:22 AM, Christopher Morrow wrote:
>> except that even the 'good guys' make mistakes. Belt + suspenders
>> please... is it really that hard for a network service provider to
>> have a prefix-list on their customer bgp sessions?? L3 does it, ATT
>> does it, Sprint does it, as do UUNET/vzb, NTT, GlobalCrossing ...
>> seriously, it's not that hard.
> What Chris said.  Why isn't this a BCP that people can actually agree on?
> Wait, being a BCP is probably what killed BCP38 take-up so never mind :(

Well... If you want to work on one, I'm willing help shepherd it through 
the process. We even have a working group setup for that purpose.


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