_65000_ in as-path - paging 8544, 16229, 37958

Andy Davidson andy at nosignal.org
Wed Dec 10 15:40:17 UTC 2008


Seen in DFZ: - 6661 42652 24611 34088 174 8544 16229 65000 - 8657 36881 36881 36881 36881 36881 36881 36881 36881  
36881 36881 65000 33763 37036

We manage some bgp speakers running OpenBGPd.  This software appears  
to tear down the session when encountering at least one of these paths :

Dec 10 15:31:48 l1-c1 bgpd[15300]: neighbor 84.x.x.x (S): state change  
Established -> Idle, reason: Fatal error looks like it started being originated by 65000 at 12:30  
UTC today or so - this was also the time I started seeing openbgp  
behave this this way.  Renesys thinks 12:58UTC.


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