Geographic map of IPv6 availability

Nathan Ward nanog at
Sat Oct 6 02:12:46 UTC 2007

On 6/10/2007, at 3:18 AM, Stephen Wilcox wrote:
> <stuff>
> Given the above, I think there is no myth.. !

That's because the 'v6 network' is broken enough that putting AAAA  
records on sites that need to be well reachable is a bad idea.

For example, due mainly to Vista's 6to4 tunnelling stuff (based on  
researching a random sample of users), I'd lose about 4% of visitors  
to my web-sites if I were to turn on AAAA records.

For a transit provider, having an unreachable (or seemingly  
unreachable) web-site is a really bad idea.

Nathan Ward

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