Creating demand for IPv6

Brian Raaen braaen at
Tue Oct 2 11:47:00 UTC 2007

While that may work (I am not going to get into the politics), I think the 
other poster has a good point that people would create gateways.  Actually, a 
better way to push IPv6 is make users want it and feel like they are missing 
out if they don't have it.  I campaign with some kind of slogan like 'got 
IPv6' or "I've got ultra high tech IPv6 for my internet and you don't" with a 
web url like (oops, some domain squatter already registered 

	For the most part the ISP and provider community is not going to put 
resources into IPv6 unless there is a market demand for IPv6.  By making end 
users feel like they are missing out on something or not as 'cool' since they 
don't have it, you will create a market demand.  The whole model of making 
something appealing or making someone feel left out without something is a 
science that has been exploited by marketing groups for years.  If an ISP 
loses customers because it doesn't have 'cool' IPv6 and another does you can 
probably bet your money that they will be launching a 'new' 'cool' IPv6 

	This all boils down to simple economics.... supply and demand.  When the 
market has a strong demand for something the technical challenges tend to get 
mastered faster than when there is not a market demand.  As far as creating a 
demand for something technical that people don't understand, I think that is 
is very possible just look at some of the crazy fads (remember the neon 
lights under cars) that people buy.

Brian Raaen
Network Engineer
braaen at
Tel 678-507-5000x5574

On Monday 01 October 2007 11:53, Daniel Senie wrote:
> A number of people have bemoaned the lack of any IPv6-only 
> killer-content that would drive a demand for IPv6. I've thought about 
> this, and about the government's push to make IPv6 a reality. What 
> occurred to me is there is a satellite sitting in storage that would 
> provide such content:

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