NOC Personel Question (Possibly OT)

Pete Templin petelists at
Thu Mar 15 13:15:10 UTC 2007

Justin M. Streiner wrote:
> "Booger Eater (I/II/III/IV) just doesn't look good on a business card :)

Ah, how much I miss the days of my previous employer, who had a web page 
where you could order business cards.  The order went straight to the 
printshop, and they'd mail them to the address listed on the card.

A sales engineer in the <unnamed> office was "always" on projects and 
hard to find, so the comics in the office put the webpage to good use: 
cards were ordered for the new hire, and the receptionist was oh so 
confused for about three weeks trying to figure out who and where the 
new hire was.  Finally, the comedians admitted that "Imneva Aroun" was 
geekspeek for the mostly-invisible sales engineer.  ;)


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