Thoughts on best practice for naming router infrastructure in DNS

Chris L. Morrow christopher.morrow at
Fri Jun 29 19:45:41 UTC 2007

On Fri, 29 Jun 2007, Cat Okita wrote:

> On Fri, 29 Jun 2007, Chris L. Morrow wrote:
> > perhaps a decent other question is: Do I want to let the whole world know
> > that router X with interfaces of type Y/Z/Q is located in 1-wilshire.
> >
> > I suppose on the one hand it's helpful to know that Network-A has a device
> > with the right sorts of interfaces/capacity in a location I care about,
> > but it's also nice to know that for other reasons :( so naming things
> > about mythic beasts or cheese or movies is not so bad, provided your
> > NOC/OPS folks have a key that shows: ==
> > 1-wilshire, m160, t1-customers-only.
> At 3am, I'd rather have the NOC/OPS folk be able to figure things out
> from the name directly, than have to have access to the magic key that
> lets them know what the weird name translates into.

agreed, there's a benefit, does it outweigh the 'risk'? I was only asking
a question and providing 2 examples.

> Ditto if I'm nowhere near my translation key, having a life, for example.

stop joking, you don't have one of those :)

> At any rate - it's possible to have informative names without going into
> "too much" detail - knowing where the device is, what it does (border, core,
> switch), and what it's connecting (customerA) is pretty darn'd useful
> all around, and avoids getting into the device type and interface specifics.

sure thing.

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