Measurement data on transit traffic in IP routers?

Chris Develder chris.develder at
Sun Feb 18 10:46:14 UTC 2007

Hi All,

In preparation of a course, I'm looking for reference material (paper, 
report, talk...) giving real world data on the amount of transit traffic 
(ie. not locally dropped or added, but passing through to other 
(backbone) routers) in a "typical" edge router of a core network, esp. 
ratio of local vs passthrough traffic (is it 30%, 40%...?) -- I don't 
need absolute figures, just realistic estimates of that ratio.

Any help in locating such references would be highly appreciated.

Kind regards,

Chris Develder, PhD
Ghent University - IBBT, Dept. of Information Technology (INTEC), IBCN
Gaston Crommenlaan 8, bus 201
BE-9050 Gent, Belgium

T: +32 9 3314961 (secr: +32 9 3314900)
F: +32 9 3314899
E: chris.develder at

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