botnets: web servers, end-systems and Vint Cerf

Danny McPherson danny at
Sun Feb 18 02:10:43 UTC 2007

On Feb 17, 2007, at 6:42 PM, Sean Donelan wrote:
> Is there a significant difference between the "many" ISPs implementing
> walled gardens and other ISPs as far as infection rates?

One might presuppose infection rates are exactly the same, at
least until that ISPs user base upgrades, patches, auto-updates,
AVs, anti-spywares, whatever..  or finds a new ISP.  I wonder how
long it'd take for such a policy institution to impact an entire 100%
user base?

I'd likewise be quite keen on seeing empirical evidence on trends
in cleanliness and/or churn from any of those ISPs in question, the
3 "huge" ones in particular - any of those folks *NOG-types?

Likely my last message on this tread, as I foresee the "OT
curmudgeon" mounting up (hint to them: "delete").


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