botnets: web servers, end-systems and Vint Cerf

Sean Donelan sean at
Sat Feb 17 04:49:58 UTC 2007

On Fri, 16 Feb 2007, Nicholas J. Shank wrote:
>> How is the "acceptable" infection rate for universities different than
> the
>> infection rate of other types of networks?
> Because other types of networks are expected (expected being the
> keyword) to have competent administrators.

Expected by whom?

How many home networks or even small business networks have competent

What is the infection rate for the network at a typical NANOG meeting full 
of Internet "experts?"  What was the infection rate at the RSA security 
conference network earlier this month?

Although some specific individual networks may have higher or lower 
infection rates, I haven't see a significant difference in infection
rates between types of networks or industries.  For universities with
low infection rates, there are just as many universities with high 
infection rates.  For government networks with low infection rates, there
are just as many government networks with high infection rates.

Would taking the practices from the specific individual networks with low 
infection rates and using them elsewhere change the infection rate of
other networks?

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