DNS: Definitely Not Safe?

MARLON BORBA mborba at trf3.gov.br
Wed Feb 14 11:20:38 UTC 2007

Security of DNS servers is an issue for network operators, thus pertaining to NANOG on-topics. This article shows a security-officer view of the recent DNS attacks.

"Despite well-publicized attacks on domain name servers in 2000 and 2001, evidence suggests that many companies simply have not taken the steps necessary to protect this vital part of their networks. Experts differ on just how much danger companies generally face. However, they seem to agree that, depending on the circumstances and the company, the results could include electronic attacks and unknowingly providing confidential information to competitors."



Marlon Borba, CISSP, DataCenter Associate
Técnico Judiciário - Segurança da Informação
TRF 3ª Região
(11) 3012-1683
1997-2007 - Dez Anos da DSUP.
Conhecimento Gerando Soluções.

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