Every incident is an opportunity (was Re: Hackers hit key Internet traffic computers)

Sean Donelan sean at donelan.com
Mon Feb 12 06:45:41 UTC 2007

On Sun, 11 Feb 2007, Gadi Evron wrote:
> Colin Powell mentioned at RSA in his extremely good, entertaining and
> pointless talk something of relevance. During the cold war American kids
> were trained to hide beneath their desktops in caseof a nuclear
> attack. Much good that would have done.

The important lesson is you can educate people. The content may have been
bogus, but it was very effective at reaching most of the population. 
People who grew up during that era still remember it.

If you can come up with a few simple things to do, it is possible to
reach most of the public.  But we are our own worst enemies.  When we
have the opportunity, instead of giving the few simple things everyone
could do, we create a lot of confusion.

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