AW: UDP Badness [Was: Re: How to measure network quality&performance for voip&gameservers (udp packetloss, delay, jitter,...)]

David Nolan vitroth+ at
Tue Mar 7 18:11:44 UTC 2006

--On Tuesday, March 07, 2006 18:59:27 +0100 Gunther Stammwitz 
<gstammw at> wrote:

> You are right - but there must be some sort of tool that can generate udp
> packets at a specified rate (or bandwidth) and measure if they are
> arriving in order, if there is loss and what the jitter is or something
> like that. Does anyone know some kind of tool?


I regularly use iperf to stress test various network components.  In TCP 
mode it will show you how fast a tcp stack can negotiate to, in UDP mode it 
can throw packets at a fixed rate and the server can tell you how many it 

There is also NDT,, but that requires a 
kernel with the web100 patches to instrument the kernel network stack.

-David Nolan
 Network Software Designer
 Computing Services
 Carnegie Mellon University

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