wrt joao damas' DLV talk on wednesday

David Conrad drc at virtualized.org
Mon Jun 12 18:33:28 UTC 2006


On Jun 12, 2006, at 10:08 AM, Randy Bush wrote:
> actually, i suspect that the issues of dlv are exactly those of
> iana root signing, key management and tld signature policy.

Nope.  Oh sure, from a technical perspective, the problems are pretty  
much the same, but I think they are solvable (if not in a way that  
will please everyone).  However, one of the major layer-9 or above  
issues having to do with signing the root is "who is going to sign  
the root", which translates to "who owns the root".  The answer, from  
a political perspective, isn't as obvious as one might wish.

When you push down a layer in the DNS hierarchy, then the layer-9 or  
above issue becomes _much_ clearer and easier to solve.  ccTLD admins  
and folks like PIR, Verisign, Neustar, etc., have clear and  
unambiguous authority over their zones (not getting into the argument  
of whether they should have clear and unambiguous authority) and  
thus, there is no question who should sign those zones (how is a mere  
implementation detail).

The problem is, if you push down a layer, you have to figure out how  
to get the appropriate keying information into the caching server's  
"trusted-key" (or moral equivalent) statement.  I personally think  
some sort of automated non-DNS out-of-band mechanism would be better  
than recreating the "who gets to sign X" problem, but there are lots  
of annoying details to deal with.

> and
> hence dlv is hoisted on the same petard it attempts to avoid, and
> then devolves to a simple power play of isc vs iana with neither
> having a good answer to the real technical and security issues.

Can you have a power play when at least one party doesn't play?

IANA's role is really easy:  people tell us what to do, we try to do  
it.  When somebody tells IANA how to deal with root signing, key  
management, and tld signature policy, we do what is necessary to  
implement what is asked of us.  Until then, I'm a bemused bystander...


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