IP failover/migration question.

Edward B. DREGER eddy+public+spam at noc.everquick.net
Mon Jun 12 03:36:53 UTC 2006

> Date: Sun, 11 Jun 2006 19:34:12 -0700 (PDT)
> From: ennova2005-nanog at ...

> [A] somewhat cleaner way to do this would be to advertize a less
> specific route from the DR location covering the more specific route
> of the primary location.  If the primary route is withdrawn, voila ..
> traffic starts moving to the less specific route automatically without
> you having to scramble at the time of the outage to inject a new
> route.

This certainly is easier if it's flexible enough.  (If one desires high
splay across several locations, this approach is lacking.)  The tough
part then becomes internal application consistency.

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