2006.06.07 NANOG-NOTES Lightning talk notes

Rick Wesson wessorh at ar.com
Fri Jun 9 23:11:26 UTC 2006

thanks for taking (and posting) notes matt!


> Rick Wesson, Support Intelligence [hehe]
> Understanding abuse, aggregate it, push it back to
> operators, let them know what they're doing to other
> people.
> [no slides, he does a live presentation of his tool]
> How do I believe you?
> realtime data visualization, Feb 8th, 2006
> visualization.
> 130 different data sources, 90% passive;
> 10,000 domain aggregated spam trap, very
> evil SMTP that filters and bans IP for some time.
> 1.2million events per day aggregated, about 700,000
> unique IPs for the global internet.
> BGP peers, aggregate based on announcements made.
> Put into tool so network operators can visualize
> their prefixes, drill in, and see abuse each
> prefix generates.
> hover over point, it shows the operator, IP address,
> and what the problem was (spam, insecure web server, etc)
> This shows problem areas that need to be addressed!
> disseminate this information, help ISPs clean up their
> networks.
> Can also pass along information of abuse that has
> happened to you.
> If you have an AS, he can tell you what your AS has
> been used for, abused for, owned, etc.
> email him for more info...except he didn't list
> his email info. ^_^;

my bad. rick at ar.com or rick at support-intelligence.com works.

always happy to help.


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