So -- what did happen to Panix?

bmanning at bmanning at
Fri Jan 27 16:12:05 UTC 2006

On Fri, Jan 27, 2006 at 10:42:11AM -0500, Joe Abley wrote:
> On 27-Jan-2006, at 07:51, bmanning at wrote:
> >	perhaps you mean certified validation of prefix origin
> >	and path.
> In the absense of path valdiation, a method of determining the real  
> origin of a prefix is also required, if the goal is to prevent  
> intentional hijacking as well as unintentional origination. Simply  
> looking at the right-most entry in the AS_PATH doesn't cut it, since  
> anybody can "set as-path prepend P".

	but by definition, the right-most entry is the prefix origin...
	the question becomes, is that the origin the prefix expects?
	to use an historical example: thinks that AS 4555 is the correct origin
	AS 4555 thinks that it should (and does) originate prefix
	AS 4555 uses AS 226 and 701 as transit providers.

	AS 1239 wants to be helpful and tells its peers that it is 
	the proper origin for prefix -BUT- never tells
	AS 4555 about this and has no direct means to deliver packets
	to AS 4555. 

	Or... we see as originating from multiple ASNs.
	there is no requirement for single AS origin - is that "theft"
	or an engineering tradeoff?

> This suggests to me that either we can't separate origin validation  
> from path validation (which sucks the former into the more difficult  
> problems associated with the latter), or we need a better measure of  
> "origin" (e.g. a PKI and an attribute which carries a signature).

	i was just interested in the problem of assertion of origination.	
	it needs to be done w/o a centralized repositiory (imho) because
	that method has scalability problems.  such a technique does open
	new chances to "confuse" ...  e.g. what happens when the prefix
	is seen from the same apparent AS but w/ two or more different 

	path validation is (again imho) a severable problem the prefix/as
> Joe

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