Password Security and Distribution

(nanog) Brian Battle nanog at
Tue Jan 24 21:21:36 UTC 2006

>Our company is starting to grow rather quickly and we are starting 
>to have growing pains. We are in the need for a better mechanism for 
>sharing passwords between our engineers.

I wish there was a system that let you do the following:

* Store and encrypt logins/passwords and access logs in a database
* Assign permissions (add new logins/passwords, change password...)
  to those passwords on a per user/group basis, based on an existing
  authentication scheme (Windows AD, LDAP, Kerberos...)
* SSL web frontend
* Reporting.  If a user leaves and you want to know which passwords
  he had access to or has ever accessed so you can change them, this
  would be really really nice.

I've been playing around with Network Password Manager from
It seems like the best product available in this area that I could find that
makes sharing passwords kinda easy, but it's a service that runs on Windows,
requires a Windows client software installation, and lacks any sort of

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