Odd policy question.

Chris Owen owenc at hubris.net
Sat Jan 14 03:19:46 UTC 2006

On Fri, 13 Jan 2006, Martin Hannigan wrote:

> I heard something nasty about goatse.cx, but I checked www and I got:
> The registrar name servers have not been configured properly
> ..and nothing bad. I do think it's better to put up the page locally
> though.
> >
> > Granted that what your (former-) customers did was not any sort of best
> > practice, but I think your "solution" is a little too extreme.
> Wow. I wish I was seeing what you are seeing. Is it good?

Well my post was really in jest.  goatse.cx hasn't existed for years.  If
you really want to know what was there (and you really don't) just do a
quick search for goatse.  I'm sure there is a Wikipedia entry for it.

However, the point of my post that it really is a dumb idea for someone to
point their domain at your domain name servers if they aren't a customer.
You really do gain much control over the domain in such a situation.


Chris Owen                ~ Garden City (620) 275-1900 ~  Lottery (noun):
President                 ~ Wichita     (316) 858-3000 ~    A stupidity tax
Hubris Communications Inc ~       www.hubris.net       ~

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