Computer systems blamed for feeble hurricane response?

Eric A. Hall ehall at
Tue Sep 13 22:16:06 UTC 2005

On 9/13/2005 5:23 PM, Joseph S D Yao wrote:

> "SEF [is] unique in that it can detect what appear to be telnet
> connections to Port 25 and drop the connection. This is probably because
> telnet connections send one character at a time whereas real SMTP
> clients send all the strings at once."

While we're beating a dead tangent, TELNET clients are often configurable
to use line-mode (preferred for those of us with fat fingers, where we
need backspace to work on the local line buffer before it is transmitted).
Many of them will also avoid sending TELNET options when the non-default
port is used (they've learned by now that there's little reason to do so,
and lots of reasons not to).

Eric A. Hall                              
Internet Core Protocols

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