IPv6 news

Randy Bush randy at psg.com
Sat Oct 15 15:40:44 UTC 2005

> FWIW, my current IPv6 assignment is PI to a degree (where P == my 
> first hop IPv4 provider), I can change this "first hop IPv4" provider 
> to any other provider within my country and still retain my IPv6 
> assignment.

it sounds as if you have the mythical separation of locator
and identifier :-)/2.  the problem is that there is likely
to be a shortage of those locators.

one problem with 6to4 is that having all traffic go through
gateways will not scale well.  to support v6-only folk,
either the number of 6to4 gateways will need to approach
the number of dfz routers, the dfz routers will run 6to4,
or some combination thereof.


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