IAB and "private" numbering

Michael.Dillon at btradianz.com Michael.Dillon at btradianz.com
Mon Nov 14 11:36:00 UTC 2005

> I'd like to see some acknowledgement that there are legitimate uses of
> number resources that don't include "the public Internet".

It's already there in RFC 2050:

3 a) the organization has no intention of connecting to
     the Internet-either now or in the future-but it still
     requires a globally unique IP address.  The organization
     should consider using reserved addresses from RFC1918.
     If it is determined this is not possible, they can be
     issued unique (if not Internet routable) IP addresses.

> Does this concern make sense?


> Is there a(nother) better venue than the IAB?


My company is one of several companies that operate
IP networks that are not part of the public Internet but
which do use globally unique registered IP addresses.

--Michael Dillon

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