Verisign broke GTLDs again?

Matt Larson mlarson at
Mon May 16 18:09:25 UTC 2005

On Mon, 16 May 2005, Michael Tokarev wrote:
> They're returning FORMERR (which is wrong), *and* don't return the
> original query (numqd=0).

As others have already pointed out, the behavior of the com/net
authoritative name servers with regard to EDNS0 is correct according
to RFC 2671 (the EDNS0 spec).  In particular, please see section 5.3:

  5.3. Responders who do not understand these protocol extensions are
       expected to send a response with RCODE NOTIMPL, FORMERR, or
       SERVFAIL.  Therefore use of extensions should be "probed" such that
       a responder who isn't known to support them be allowed a retry with
       no extensions if it responds with such an RCODE. [...]

Matt Larson <mlarson at>
VeriSign Naming and Directory Services

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