On the-record - another "off-topic" post

Bill Nash billn at billn.net
Tue May 3 23:56:47 UTC 2005

On Tue, 3 May 2005, Dean Anderson wrote:
> Basically, when the discussion degenerates to "dean is a troll", on a
> forum like this, it means they've run out of ideas, but don't want to
> concede anything, and are looking to divert attention to something else.
> And of course, one can't make someone (on a forum like this, anyway)
> concede anything, and they wouldn't do so willingly.

Pot calling kettle, pot calling kettle, come in, kettle.

As long as we're explaining fun words:
If neither party is willing to back down from their point of view, *right 
or wrong*, that's called an impasse.

Since nothing any part is saying is changing anyone's mind, agree to 
disagree and take it offlist.

- billn

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