Mozilla Implements TLD Whitelist for Firefox in Response to IDN Homogr aphs Spoofing

Jason Sloderbeck jason at
Thu Jul 28 13:26:03 UTC 2005

Phil said:
> Does anyone else think that it's not the job of a web browser to do

Yes, it's recognized by Mozilla and others as the job of the Internet
Architecture Board (in particular, the IAB-IDN group) to make a final
decision on how to deal with homographs. However, for early adopters
like Mozilla with a released software package that supports IDNs, they
are taking an intermediate action until the committee comes up with a

I think you're both right -- most applications can't feasibly manage
their own Unicode Philosophy, but Mozilla needs to do something for the
short term.


Jason Sloderbeck 
Positive Networks 
jason @ positivenetworks . net

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