open source tools help (contract) in DC area?

Fergie (Paul Ferguson) fergdawg at
Tue Jul 26 00:50:23 UTC 2005

Don't sweat it, Howard -- some people would rather slam you
for what you post to the list than help out. Shame, that.

- ferg

-- "Howard C. Berkowitz" <hcb at> wrote:

At 8:27 PM +0200 7/25/05, Brad Knowles wrote:

>	I'm not convinced that this is an appropriate on-topic 
>posting for NANOG.  It seems to me that you would be much better off 
>going through SANS or SAGE to find local groups in the area that 
>could be helpful to you.

Actually, the interest is in open-source ISP tools.

"Fergie", a.k.a. Paul Ferguson
 Engineering Architecture for the Internet
 fergdawg at or fergdawg at
 ferg's tech blog:

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