Fundamental changes to Internet architecture

Fergie (Paul Ferguson) fergdawg at
Fri Jul 1 15:42:57 UTC 2005

--David Andersen <dga+ at> wrote:

>In fact, Fergie's later comment "... We're pretty far along in our 
>current architecture to 'fundamentally' change" is actually the root of 
>what I think DC is trying to get at.  I think it's a very reasonable 
>question to ask:  Is the Internet heading towards a local maxima?  (I 
>don't know the answer!)  What is it possible to change in today's 
>Internet?  Imagine a couple of things that seem desirable:

Better security & authentication systems are on the top of
my list. But this is an extremely slippery topic for a
number of reasons--primarily, I think, because operating
systems and applications are commercial endeavors, and
therefore market driven.

I think that as long as the Internet, and more importantly
connectivity to it, remains in the commercial realm, these
particular issues are difficult to acheive, regardless of
even the standards processes, IMO.

Not that I don't think it is not able to be achieved, just
that it's commercial nature makes it more difficult. :-)

- ferg

"Fergie", a.k.a. Paul Ferguson
 Engineering Architecture for the Internet
 fergdawg at or fergdawg at
 ferg's tech blog:

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