Time to check the rate limits on your mail servers

Raymond Dijkxhoorn raymond at prolocation.net
Thu Feb 3 15:08:49 UTC 2005


>> CNET reports 
>> http://news.com.com/Zombie+trick+expected+to+send+spam+sky-high/2100-7349_3-5560664.html?tag=cd.top
>> that botnets are now routing their mail traffic through the local
>> ISP's mail servers rather than trying their own port 25
>> connections.

> Both on ASRG and here on NANOG, many of us said many times, and most of the 
> times people called me crazy;
> 1. Block port 25 for dynamic ranges - that will kill the current strain of 
> worms.
> 2. It won't solve spam, and neither will SPF or anything else of the sort, as 
> when you have 100K zombies, you don't need to act a server, you can use the 
> real credentials for the user, and even if limited to a 1000 messages, that 
> times 100K drones is...

Did you actially read the article? This was about drones sending out via 
its ISP mailserver. Blocking outbound 25 doesnt help a bit here. In 
general sure, good ide, and also start using submission for example. But 
in this contect its silly.


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